Over a year ago, I got the animation exam of my bachelor study. In the first semester, it was all about the basic understanding of animating in Maya and the 12 principles of animation. This semester felt like a big refresher, as my last study wasn’t so strict about the principles as my current one.

The first real result wasn’t that good. However, I wanted to improve. A year later, I chose to work further on this project and have a better look at the principles. Timing, overlap and weight were big flaws in my result. Therefore, most of the improvements happened there. I initially used the same bony rig for both characters, but was later told I should use the Beefy rig for the antagonist character.

The animation was a remake of a scene of the Buster Keaton film One Week (1920). I chose the scene where Buster spots the delivery man with a piano and gets crushed by the it.