The art of acting gave me the motivation to create more animations where acting comes into play. But to get a better idea of good acting, I had to look for more films with good dialogue.

This had me ended up picking a scene from Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) by the Coen Brothers. As the voices were mostly calm with a few harsh words, it was the perfect opportunity to have two moods in one animation. I acted out the scene in front of the camera to add more movement and exaggaration.

Timing was once again, a flaw in my first blockout. In the next playblast, I went wilder with speed and slighty bigger movements. This was the case for both body and face expressions.

The rigs do not belong to me:

Lou Rig:

Modeled by Dmitry Danilov
Rigged by Boris Klimov

Dude Rig: