DSC_0016 bijgesneden


My name is Sam Quak. I am a 24-year-old creative producer from Rotterdam, Netherlands, currently stationed in Kortrijk, Belgium. I would like to welcome you to my portfolio website.

I have been making animations since 2012. At first, these were brickfilms (LEGO Stop-motions), later on, I moved on to creating digital art, both 2D and 3D. Today, I am mostly focussing on animation and motion design.

In 2022, I graduated as a motion graphic designer at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam. I am currently studying Digital Arts & Entertainment, specializing in animation, at Howest University of Applied Science in Kortrijk.

Throughout the years, I have been working on a variety of assignments for clients and companies. I am a digital artist, who is not afraid to experiment with challenging ways to create a final product. Every new assignment brings new opportunities to dive deeper into the software I use and experiment with different methods to get the best result possible.

Today, I am able to work with the following software:

Curious about my work? Check out my portfolio!